
The leadership trap: Balancing identity with customer-centricity with Alex Slawsby

Written by Sopheon | September 9, 2024

Today, Paul discusses the intricacies of corporate innovation and explores the challenges and successes in the mobile technology market of the early 2000s. Alex Slawsby, Chief Growth Officer at Innolead, joins in this enlightening discussion and introduces listeners to the upcoming Impact conference in Boston. The conference, aimed at corporate innovation leaders, will feature sessions on AI, collaboration, digital transformation, and much more.

Alex Slawsby is a seasoned innovation leader with extensive experience in both analytical and executive roles. Beginning his career at IDC, he specialized in the mobile devices market, gaining profound insights into the challenges and innovations of the early 2000s. Alex currently serves as the Chief Growth Officer at Innolead, where he spearheads growth initiatives and fosters innovation across various corporate sectors. His knowledge of the evolution of digital experiences and organizational agility makes him a vital thought leader in the industry.

 "Innovation thrives when companies shift their focus from features to outcomes, delivering experiences that truly delight the customer." ~Alex Slawsby

Today on Innovation Talks:

  • The Impact conference in Boston, scheduled for October 23 to 25, will focus on innovation themes and bring together notable speakers from leading organizations.
  • In the early 2000s, mobile device companies often compromised product functionality by adding features without understanding consumer needs.
  • Effective innovation requires balancing what's best for the company now versus what truly satisfies the customer.
  • Transparent conversations within organizations are essential for navigating and implementing change.
  • Companies must shift from technology-driven innovation to a more consumer-centered approach to create resonating products.
  • The discussion highlights the rise and fall of mobile device companies like Palm and Handspring, emphasizing the need to adapt to market changes.
  • Organizational agility and the ability to quickly pivot are key factors in achieving long-term success in the innovation landscape.
  • There is a growing need for transformation and innovation workshops to help companies stay customer-centric and adapt to digital needs.

Resources Mentioned:

Impact Conference in Boston, October 23 to 25

Innolead, for additional resources on corporate innovation

Alex on Innovation Talks


Guest Contact Information:

Alex Slawsby: LinkedIn


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