
Change management in Digital Transformations with Ketan Jahagirdar

Written by Sopheon | April 22, 2024

In today's episode, we unravel the intricacies of change management within the realm of digital transformations. We shine a light on the continuous need for adaptation in the digital landscape and the importance of embracing new technologies to maintain a competitive edge. Change management can be as daunting as it is necessary, especially when digital advancements happen at a breakneck pace.

Ketan Jahagirdar shares his extensive experience as a specialist in program management and champion of complex multi-year transformation programs. Currently, he serves as one of the Directors of Product Management at Sopheon, and his history includes founding ROI Blueprints. With over two decades in the field, Ketan brings a wealth of knowledge and practical insights on driving organizational change and harnessing digital innovation for business growth.

"Digital transformation... honestly, you can't stop evolving in your journey."
- Ketan Jahagirdar

Today on Innovation Talks:

  • Digital transformation is a continual journey, not a one-time event.
  • Technology moves rapidly, turning state-of-the-art systems into antiques in a decade.
  • Two types of digital transformation: business model flips and process rewiring to eliminate analog methods.
  • Companies, especially in insurance and healthcare, still have significant opportunities for digital evolution.
  • The most formidable challenge in transformation is overcoming entrenched belief systems with irrefutable facts and evidence.
  • Leadership and having a strong core team are crucial for effectively addressing skepticism and orchestrating change.
  • Having the people responsible sign off on the plan ensures commitment and belief in the project.
  • For a digital transformation to be successful, organizations must present a compelling case with robust data and realistic scenarios that show the risks clearly.

Resources Mentioned:

- AI and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) technologies

- Proofs of concept (PoCs) for validating changes

Guest Contact Information:

- Connect with Ketan Jahagirdar on LinkedIn

- Reach out via Sopheon

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