While this may sound borderline “Yogi Barra-ish,” it's the truth. The clients we work with every day, their products, and their services are in a constant state of evolution fueled by innovation. Questions many grapple with include:
Imagine knowing the answers to these questions and being able to change scenarios to evaluate short- and long-term impacts to your company. Enterprise Innovation Management (EIM) platforms create a near-clairvoyant advantage, giving corporations the foresight they need for changing market conditions.
So the next time you invoke your ‘millennial spirit' and text your friend “OMW” when you leave the house, think of how you used to let people know you were on your way, and take a moment to breathe in and really feel the acute impact this innovation has had on the way we communicate.
Innovation happens — and it's all up for grabs when you are one of the few with foresight.
Looking to ramp-up your innovation habits? Read the blog post Don't Be a Dinosaur! 10 Ways to Build Innovation Habits & Avoid Business Extinction.
1 Suzanne Deffree. (2015, December 3). 1st text message is sent, December 3, 1992. Retrieved from EDN Network: http://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/edn-moments/4402146/1st-text-message-is-sent--December-3--1992